


"The Right of the Child to Be Heard": The Experience and Challenges in a Residential Care Facility




王思淳(Si-Chun Wang);胡中宜(Chung-Yi Hu)


兒少意見被傾聽權利 ; 兒童權利公約 ; 兒童參與 ; 安置機構 ; 增強權能 ; child's participation ; Convention on the Rights of the Child ; empowerment ; residential care ; The Right of the Child to Be Heard




46期(2022 / 12 / 01)


33 - 81






The purpose of this study was to explore the practice and challenges of "The Right of the Child to Be Heard" in children residential care. The in-depth interview method was conducted with 6 care givers and 7 adolescents from a residential care facility. The research results applied to three situations: application for going out, mobile phone use, and activity participation. The principles of "the Right of Child to be Heard" were summarized, including: listening and respecting, active communication, empowerment, individualization, and team consensus. In addition, the practical actions include: (1) enhancing children's ability to deal with violations by different methods; (2) seeking reasonable adjustments to the family rules via discussion and dialogue; (3) designing multiple participation mechanisms to adjust the family rules; (4) discussing the issues of daily living; (5) providing different choices to increase the opportunities of decision-making; (6) enhancing children to reflect their opinions to key person. Based on these finding, suggestions for future practice include: (1) planning a regular supervision and training system to create a friendly space for dialogue; (2) continuing to adjust the relationship and communication between caregivers and children; (3) creating a child-based dialogue space; (4) identifying the factors that may limit the implementation of rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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