


How Should Medical Social Workers Behave? Practice and Reflection on Performance Indicators and Performance Management of Medical Social Workers




侯建州(Chien-Chou Hou)


醫務社會工作 ; 績效管理 ; 績效指標 ; 醫院管理 ; 社會工作專業 ; medical social work ; performance management ; performance indicators ; hospital management ; social work profession




47期(2023 / 06 / 01)


99 - 147






Performance management has considerable influence in today's society and is almost a ubiquitous management action. Due to the value of new public management, users can raise expectations, check quality, complain to suppliers, etc. Currently, the delivery of public or medical services is almost always under the control of performance management. Therefore, this study intends to explore the sources of performance indicators and the characteristics of performance management practices of medical social workers, as well as the corresponding practices of medical social workers for performance management, and to put forward research suggestions. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 5 senior managers directly under the social work department of the hospital, 5 medical social work supervisors, 5 medical social worker staff, and 3 representatives of medical social work organizations, for a total of 18 research participants. The findings suggest the sources of performance metrics for medical social workers, the practice characteristics of performance metrics, and the responses of medical social workers. Finally, this study posits that the assumptions and expectations of the medical social work profession on performance management are still mainly based on professional autonomy and social worker characteristics, and that the hospital has not rewarded and punished the performance management of medical social workers. Therefore, if performance management is expected to continue to be strengthened in the future, strengthening the management function in the development education or on-the-job education of the medical social work university and building a consensus with the medical social work supervisor on performance indicators and performance management is recommended.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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