


The Change of Business Models and Management of Digital Concept and Application for Music Technology Industry




林富美(Fu-Mei Lin);梁秀雯(Hsiu-Wen Liang)


Piracy ; Music Industry ; Digitalization contents ; mp3 ; p2p




5卷1期(2005 / 07 / 01)


60 - 100




The development of digital technology industry started years ago when the whole world watches the innovation of the information industry. The most economic benefit part of music industry is the technology research and development related to digital music. This research discuss the background and structure of music industry moving from traditional to digital and define the new business model of digital music industry. The research found that dependence of content delivery companies for managers in music companies comes with new digital technology. Since the Copyright Act cannot follow the development of technology, companies should move from against copy to look for the balance of demands within users and companies. This study probes into the reform of this industry. However, the industries have not ready to face the changes, for instance, improve the management skills in order to create the new business model focus on quality instead of quantity for the new digital age.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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