


Must-carry in Digital Age




劉貞宛(Chen-Wan Liu)


Broadcasting ; Cable ; Communications policy ; Digital TV ; Must-carry ; Public interests




5卷1期(2005 / 07 / 01)


94 - 139




The must-carry regulations in the era of DTV are still in the twilight among Taiwan's current articles of legislation. This paper seeks to expound the suitability of must-carry regulations in digital age from political economist perspective. Also, this research emphasizes that the concept of ”public interests?” should be maintained as the core of broadcasting policy in the digital age. The conclusion points out that the line of must-carry regulations between public and commercial media should be clearly defined. Cable TV must carry the channels provided by public media. However, services provided by commercial media-such as information broadcasting, PPV, VOD and so on-need not be regulated as must-carry. They shall be handled by the commercial mechanism of the market.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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