In the article, author attempted to answer the three questions to understand how the rhetoric worked on cyber social movements. First, author asked the limitations of social movements issues which could be practiced on the Internet, and found that the issues were almost controlled by the high SES people. So, as critics did the rhetoric criticism of cyber social movements, need to aware who spoke behind the website.
Second, author asked the question about how to do the rhetorical research of cybertexts. As for this, author divided the texts of cyber social movements into dynamic(ex. BBS, Chat Room, MSN, Blog, etc.) and static ones(ex.: a single paper, etc.) to analyze. These two methods were useful for critics to analyze to fine the rhetorical dimension out.
And the last, author did a case study of anti-WTO movements in H.K., and interested in the differences between traditional and cyber social movements' rhetoric. Owing to the characteristics of cyber, author concluded both of them had have many specialties, that the other hadn't have.
Zapatistas的ECD FloodNet參與計劃
Radio FreeB92
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Indonesia: The Net as a Weapon
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