


The Rhetorical Criticism of Cyber Social Movements: A Case Study of Anti-WTO Movement in H.K.




蔡鴻濱(Hong-Pin Tsai)


反WTO ; 社會運動 ; 語藝 ; 網路 ; Anti-WTO ; Cyber ; Rhetoric ; Social Movements




6卷1期(2006 / 07 / 01)


2 - 48




目前全球超過8.7億的上網人口,使得透過電腦網路所建構的「虛擬」空間蓬勃發展,也促使傳統社會運動理論中實體的集體行動概念,面臨了鬆動與挑戰。本研究基此發想,乃從網路現象、社會運動、以及語藝三者的關係出發,以語藝為主軸,探討:1.在網路從事社會運動,其議題實踐的限制為何?2.網路社會運動平台中的文本,如何進行語藝觀察與分析?3.工人運動網站「苦勞網」論壇板中「香港反WTO」事件作為一網路社會運動,其與傳統社會運動中的語藝應用,有何差異? 首先,就網路社會運動議題實踐的限制來說,研究者發現,從事網路社會運動須先擁有一定程度的知識與經濟水平等結構性條件,亦即社會上的相對弱勢者,便排除在網路社會運動之外,或者需透過精英代言與解救,也因此從語藝角度分析網路社會運動文本,必須警覺到網路社會運動議題受限於精英觀點。 其次,就網路社會運動的語藝研究方法來說,研究者分為靜態或是動態文本,兩者都可作為探討網路社會運動說服來源的資料,而選取文本的判準乃在於文本的豐富性與研究目的。最後,在傳統社會運動與網路社會運動的語藝差異比較上,研究者發現,因為虛擬網路的時、空與網路社群的特殊屬性,使得網路社會運動的語藝呈現上,與傳統的社會運動有諸多的不同,不論是在轉化對真實的認知、改變抗議者的自我認知、社會運動正當性的取得、指出行動方向、網路動員行動、以及維繫社會運動上,兩者在語藝面向呈現上各具特點,因此,進行網路社會運動的語藝研究時,在理論與方法應用上,必須有所區隔。


In the article, author attempted to answer the three questions to understand how the rhetoric worked on cyber social movements. First, author asked the limitations of social movements issues which could be practiced on the Internet, and found that the issues were almost controlled by the high SES people. So, as critics did the rhetoric criticism of cyber social movements, need to aware who spoke behind the website. Second, author asked the question about how to do the rhetorical research of cybertexts. As for this, author divided the texts of cyber social movements into dynamic(ex. BBS, Chat Room, MSN, Blog, etc.) and static ones(ex.: a single paper, etc.) to analyze. These two methods were useful for critics to analyze to fine the rhetorical dimension out. And the last, author did a case study of anti-WTO movements in H.K., and interested in the differences between traditional and cyber social movements' rhetoric. Owing to the characteristics of cyber, author concluded both of them had have many specialties, that the other hadn't have.

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