


The "Scarcity of Spectrum" Revisited: The Regulation of Spectrum on Broadcasting




林承宇(Cheng-Yu Lin)


公共利益 ; 電波稀有性 ; 傳播法規與政策 ; 廣播頻譜 ; 頻譜管理 ; communications law ; public interest ; scarcity of spectrum ; spectrum Act ; spectrum management




6卷2期(2007 / 01 / 01)


65 - 86




本文著力的論點在於以資源有限作為規範立論的依據,在面臨「資源調整」或「資源增加」的科技發展結果時,規範立論所受到的挑戰應否改變?換言之,規範立論所倚賴的「稀有性」理論在面臨科技的重整後是否有改變的必要?而這個改變應該是什麼?是「本質上」的移轉?亦或只是「調整性」的轉變? 針對上述的問題意識,本文試圖尋找出規範廣播電波頻譜的真正意涵,嘗試從台灣實際的規範狀況出發,與過去的相關理論基礎對話,以擘畫未來規範廣播電波頻譜的立論根據。本文初步的發現為:以稀有性、公共財的論點作為規範廣播電波頻譜的規範基礎,在科技發明與財產權觀點的轉移下,可能面臨相當的挑戰,未來可預見的情況是,只依據這些論點作為規範的理由只會相形薄弱。本文以為,從民眾近用媒體的觀點出發,強化電波頻譜係屬「公共資源」的本質,並深化公共資源作為服務「公共利益」的社會價值立論,應可作為未來規範廣播電波頻譜的基礎理論架構。而深化此理論基礎作為規範廣播電波頻譜的架構會比「稀有性」或「公共財」等立論依據更具價值。


This article focuses on the regulation of spectrum on broadcasting. At the present day, the main rationale for regulating broadcasting is still so-called ”scarcity of spectrum”. With the development of media technology, this rationale may be no longer exist. What is the theoretical foundation for regulating broadcasting in the future? This article elaborated how the rationale ”scarcity of spectrum” or ”public property” for regulating broadcasting has been challenged. On the contrast, ”access to the media”, ”public service” or ”public interest” seems to be adequate for broadcasting regulations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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