


The Pedagogical Research on the Implementation of the Interdisciplinary Course from the Perspective of Technology Convergence: A Case Study of Undergraduate "Media Economics" Course in SHU




胡嘉智(Chia-Chih Hu)


大學部媒介經濟學課程 ; 教育行動研究 ; 教育教學研究 ; 跨科際整合課程 ; educational action research ; interdisciplinary course ; pedagogical research ; undergraduate Media Economics course




6卷2期(2007 / 01 / 01)


87 - 131




面對科技創新、與全球化所型塑科技匯流(convergence)挑戰,國外因此興起了媒介經濟相關課程,而收入SSCI期刊之一的媒介經濟期刊(Journal of Media Economics),也再次強調面對科技匯流時代,「跨科際整合研究」的重要性。筆者認為面對科技匯流趨勢,台灣傳播管理教育應提升學生對於跨科際整合課程的學習,進而賦權學生面對科技匯流的媒體產業。鑑此,本文有兩個主要研究目的:1.設計出一套大學部「媒介經濟學」教學策略;2.利用學生學習經驗問卷,進行關於學生學習構念(學習焦慮、學習態度、學習投入動機、學習能力建構)的統計檢驗。研究結果顯示,學生學習經驗問卷產生良好信度以及建構效度,而問卷相關分析結果之詮釋如下:1.「學習焦慮」與「學習態度」呈現統計顯著性之低度負相關,而「學習態度」與其他三個學習構念皆呈現顯著正相關,這突顯出面對學生進行跨科際整合課程遇到的學習焦慮時,教師提升學生「學習態度」的重要性;2.「學習能力建構」有效實施可能將提升「學習投入動機」,以及「學習態度」;3.「總成績」與「學習焦慮」呈現統計顯著性之低度負相關:這意味著四種學習構念中,與學生期末總成績最直接相關的可能是學生面對跨科際整合課程之「學習焦慮」構念,這某種程度顯示出跨科際整合課程的學習的確對學生產生重大學習影響,因此值得未來學者繼續進行相關教育教學研究。


Facing the convergent trend of communications technologies, which resulted from technological innovation and globalization, foreign scholars prioritized the importance of media economics-related courses. The Journal of Media Economics gives high light to dedicate to the Interdisciplinary research. In an era when disciplinary boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred and knowledge is widely considered to be interdisciplinary, it is argued that Taiwan communications educators in the department of Communications Management should pay more attention to the implementation of interdisciplinary courses, where students are empowered to face the convergent trend of the media industry. In light of these concerns, this article has two main purposes: (a) to design the teaching strategies of the undergraduate level course ”Media Economics”;(b) to examine the questionnaires on students' learning experience (QSLE) statistically. QSLE breeds satisfying reliability and construct validity. In addition, the findings of correlation analysis could be interpreted as follows: (a) it deserves to pay more attention to enhance students ”learning attitude”, judging from the negative correlation between ”Learning Anxiety” and ”Learning Attitude” and from the result that ”Learning Attitude” is related with all three other constructs statistically;(b) ”Capacity Building for Learning” could enhance students' ”Involved Motivation for Learning” and ”Learning Attitude”;(c)A student's ”Learning Anxiety” seems to be most connected to his final grade ”Curriculum score”. This may highlight the syndrome of students' learning anxiety in learning the interdisciplinary course. It's followed with the needs to conduct more pedagogical researches focusing on the interdisciplinary courses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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