


The Transformation of Cross-media Text: The Narrative Analysis of the Computer Game "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"




陳智先(Chih-Hsien Chen)


文本 ; 哈利波特 ; 故事 ; 敘事分析 ; 電腦遊戲 ; computer games ; Harry Potter ; narrative analysis ; story ; text




7卷1期(2007 / 07 / 01)


79 - 112




跨媒介產製已形成當今媒體娛樂工業的獨特現象,使得同一故事文本以多樣媒介形式呈現也構成現今人們普遍的閱聽經驗。受到新科技發展影響,電玩逐漸佔據產品鍊終端之角色。然而,當這些故事文本移轉成為電玩後,其文本樣態產生了何種變化?電玩是否能「說故事」? 本文以電腦遊戲《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》為案例,運用敘事理論進行分析,以探索電腦遊戲與敘事之關係。本文發現,電腦遊戲與敘事關係之討論,須納入電玩內容類型因素之考量。而從敘事元素、元素組織及整體敘事特質三層面進行剖析,發現此一遊戲的確具有傳統敘事所需之基本元素與組織架構,同時,在其整體敘事特質上也具有規則性。


Since cross-media production became a unique feature in contemporary entertainment industry, same text carried out in various media forms has become a common experience to the audience. At the same time, computer games become the last product in the media production chain. However, can computer games ”tell” the same stories as original texts? This paper aims to explore the narratives of the computer game ”Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone”. The results show that the type of games should be concerned while discussing the narrative of the computer games. In addition, this game has the similar elements and structures to traditional narrative, also possess some prototypes in its narrative.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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