


A Study on "The Spirit of Love" Malaysian Chinese Audiences' Impression towards Taiwan Society




張煒珍(Hooi-Tian Teoh);林彣鴻(Wen-Hung Lin)


社會認知 ; 社會判斷理論 ; 馬來西亞華人 ; 意難忘 ; 基模理論 ; 網路問卷 ; Malaysian Chinese ; Online Survey ; Social Cognition ; Social Judgment




8卷2期(2009 / 01 / 01)


111 - 158




在當今全球化的媒體研究發展趨勢下,本研究逆向推展,探討開發中國家在電視劇文本的交流,形構何種族群熟悉感與整體社會的印象。以台灣民視電視公司製播閩南語連續劇《意難忘》做為探討對象,根據新聞報導與網路論壇觀察,該劇是首部帶動馬來西亞電視閩南語連續劇熱潮的台灣本土劇。民視閩南語連續劇《意難忘》自2004年9月播出後,根據國內閱聽收視率調查發現,《意》劇在台灣創下高收視率,並且在馬來西亞AEC頻道及其他華人地區的媒體管道中播映,也得到相當程度的反應。本研究核心乃針對《意》劇中所形塑的各種主觀的台灣金錢觀念、傳統家庭及當代政治議題之三項價值觀敘事,從馬來西亞華人閱聽眾收看《意》劇與否,探討是否對於台灣既有印象有所差異。本研究依據「社會認知」領域中的「基模理論」輔助Muzafer Sherif等人所提出之「社會判斷理論」,透過副理論補助主理論的範疇和網路線上問卷進行海外調查的方式,調查馬來西亞華裔閱聽人自我的特定社會基模,比較觀眾與非觀眾對該劇之涉入程度,進而探討對台灣三種印象形塑之差異。在研究分析中,以《意》劇中的金錢觀念、傳統家庭及當代政治環境三項價值觀測驗主題為經,交叉比對分析為緯,並分析其該劇觀眾的接受、中立與拒絕緯度程度變化。而在本研究最後則是從研究過程中,彙整研究發現,進而延展華人閱聽眾研究的限制與建議。


Under the globalization media research, this research was developed to treat about the effect of drama text interaction between the developing countries, and it shaped what type of ethnic familiarity and the overall society's impression. The object of this research was ”The Spirit of Love”, a drama in Southern Fujian language which produced by the Formosa TV, Taiwan. According the observation to news and web forum, under the influence of this drama, it brought in more and more similar dramas and first led the Taiwanese Southern Fujian language drama to be popular in Malaysia. ”The Spirit of Love” broadcasted since September, 2004 in the channel of Formosa TV, yield high rating in Taiwan based on local rating research. Moreover it also received good response among the Chinese society during the broadcast in channel AEC, Malaysia. The core of this research was to investigate what is the impression towards Taiwan society by Malaysian Chinese audience and non-audience in the diffuse effects on perceptions that are shaped over an involvement of exposure to media messages, which the drama narratives mainly accentuated on the subjective value of money, traditional family and political agenda. The main theory used in this research is the Social Judgment Theory, developed by Muzafer Sherif, auxiliary theory is the Schemas Theory derived from the Social Cognition field. We used online survey for the overseas survey purpose, investigated the particular social schemas of Malaysian Chinese audiences, compared the involvement level of receiving the messages from the drama and focused our study on the impression towards Taiwan between the audience and non-audience. In the depth discussion, the perspectives for value of financial, traditional family and political agenda from ”The Spirit of Love” were the three parts of test subjects, due to the involvement level of messages receiving constructed the diversity for the impression towards Taiwan; further, we analyzed the changes for the latitude of acceptance, refection and non-commitment. Ultimately, this research worked out with some discovery during the process of research and brought up the limitations and suggestions against the Chinese audience research, to contribute as a reference and introspection for the following researcher.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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