


Exploring Kaohsiung City Images by Zaltman Method of Eliciting Techniques




蒯光武(Kuang-Wu Koai);鮑忠暉(Chung-Hui Pao)


共識地圖 ; 城市意象 ; 城市行銷 ; 高雄 ; 隱喻抽取技術 ; city image ; city marketing ; consensus map ; Kaohsiung ; Zaltman method of elicitation technique ZMET




10卷1期(2010 / 07 / 01)


37 - 83






Today we live in a world full of images. Civilians experience city's changes across time through senses and perceptions. Government uses pictures, photos, films and other visual communication tools to convey policy messages. City government expects civilians to echo government's policy appeal. City images is an effective way of enhancing a city's competitiveness. But what city image actually lies in dwellers' minds has been relatively under addressed. How does city image differ with landscape?This study adopts Zaltman Method of Elicitation Technique (ZMET), a qualitative research method, to explore six Kaohsiung city marketers' mind maps through a series of elicitation process using visual materials. A consensus map of the six persons is then constructed, which reflects their perceived value of the city.Findings suggest that six prime values constitute Kaohsiung's city image: aesthetics, romance, vitality, happiness, sense of bliss, and grassroots. These core values can contribute to marketing strategies of the city hall.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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