


Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Messages on Consumers' Trust




李雅靖(Ya-Ching Lee);吳忠翰(Chung-Hung Wu)


信任 ; 情緒 ; 網路口碑 ; electronic word of mouth ; emotion ; trust




10卷2期(2011 / 01 / 01)


69 - 104






This research investigates how message sidedness appeal and emotion of word of mouth message senders in electronic word of mouth affect consumers' trust. This research survey collects 3591 responses. The results discover message sidedness appeal and emotion have impacts on consumers' trust. Two-sided appeal can generate a higher level of consumers' trust than one-sided appeal positive message. Emotion also plays an important role in the different process of electronic word of mouth message. The results help the word-of-mouth senders to develop an appropriate writing pattern to make electronic word of mouth more credible and effective. They also provide practical suggestions to enterprises to develop an effective marketing strategy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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