


Discourse Approach in Organizational Communication Studies: Exploring the Field




李長潔(Chang-Chieh Lee)


組織論述 ; 組織傳播 ; organizational discourse ; organizational communication




11卷2期(2012 / 03 / 01)


3 - 38




組織如語言,該句話說明了:以語言為核心的理論在管理研究與組織研究的領域中漸受重視。隨著語言學的轉向,理論的認識論、本體論、方法論開始轉變,這樣的理論透過「語言」建立起組織傳播研究的核心,從論述與書寫的概念引出「人群(組織)與人之辯證」的思考問題,此乃大問哉。而近年來逐漸高漲的組織論述(organizational discourse)研究興趣,則在積極的企圖與各種學科的編整下反映了這個疑難,即多元的組織傳播相關研究圍繞著論述,發展出「多音」(plurivocality)的諸多組織論述(organizational Discourse)概念。本文認為,儘管論述的知識體系之呈現相當多元,但其對於了解人群與人的辯證關係反而有了更為彈性豐富的視野,面對不同的情境與議題可以對應出較理想的現象詮釋。除此之外,我們可以在諸組織論述理論中找到共同之處,而那些共同之處便是反映了論述概念作為思維核心的價值所在。這個思想與理論的價值便在於回應了Smith 在百年前針對人類組織所提出來的難題(das 'AdamSmith-Problem),這具有當代組織與個人之間協調問題的解釋價值。本文有鑑於此,嘗試去釐清組織傳播研究中論述取徑在當代的面貌,並企圖去整理出一個當代組織論述的知識地圖,並以之作為一個專門的學術領域。


Organization is as language. It represents that language-based theory and research have become more and more important in the studies of management and organization. With the development in linguistics, epistemology, methodology and ontology in organizational researches have shifted their focuses to concepts built up in language. Therefore, the concept of discourse and writing has brought out the problem of « the justification of people (organization) and person ». On the other hand, with a vigorous intention to integrate various disciplines, studies related to organizational discourse, which are more and more popular nowadays, have also revealed this problem. A variety of studies on organizational communication that surround discourses have developed many concepts of organizational discourse as plurivocality.Although treating discourse as one kind of knowledge system presents the complication of different aspects, it provides a more flexible and splendid point of view to the understanding of the justification between collection and individual. When facing different scenarios and topics, discourse can mirror a more appropriate explanation. Besides, it is possible to locate common signatures among these theories of organizational discourse, and these signatures represent the value of discourse as core concept. The value is that it responds to the das 'Adam Smith-Problem that Smith had proposed hundred years ago toward human organization.Therefore, in this study, I try to identify the contemporary appearance of organizational discourse and theory. Furthermore, a contemporary knowledge map of organizational discourse is sorted out, with which I intend to create a new professional and academical field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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