


Bibliotherapeutic Service and the Library




陳書梅(Chen Su-May Sheili)


書目療法服務 ; 書目療法 ; 圖書館 ; Bibliotherapeutic service ; Bibliotherapy ; Library




12卷2期(2008 / 09 / 01)


15 - 41






As a basic institution for reading, libraries are responsible for the diversity of information resources. Facing the trend of emotional healing and mental health in the postmodern society, libraries no longer function entirely to spread information resources. Instead, the issue of implementing 'bibliotherapeutic service' that assists readers through emotional distress is also worth taking into account. However, as bibliotherapeutic service is an emerging field in Taiwan, librarians are not familiar with the service's basic concepts and implications. With respect to this, the writer explores the origin and development of bibliotherapeutic service and provides reference on its significance, mechanism, functions and types for librarians to consider.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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