
Organizational Learning through Evaluation: A Challenge for Libraries






陳冠年(Kuan-Nien Chen);林蓓君(Pei-Chun Lin);孫浩章(Hao-Chang Sun);蔡文惠(Wen-Hui Tsai)


組織學習 ; 學習型組織 ; 圖書館評鑑 ; 圖書館管理 ; organizational learning ; Library evaluation ; Learning organization ; Library management




12卷2期(2008 / 09 / 01)


42 - 78




本文按視組織學習理論和圖書館評鑑相關文獻,並進行系統性整理-耙梳重點,釐清脈絡,摘取經典,啓發思辯,旨在促使相關研究者更加暸解組織學習與圖書館詳鑑兩者之關聯,循其軌跡,觀其影響,提出更為合理有效之理論模式。 從圖書館評鑑的方向思考,評鑑的過程和功能理應涵納組織學習的意義,試圖營造圖書館成為學習型組織。為達此目的,評鑑設計者、評鑑執行者、評鑑決策者和被評鑑之組織都應具備共識,從制度面、領導面、執行面和學習面自我檢驗,期改善詳鑑水準,奠定、組織良性體質,裨益於圖書館永續發展。


This paper examines some of the current discussion in the literature of organizational learning theory and library evaluation, from which to derive a better understanding of how library evaluation can assist in the improvement of Libraries as learning organizations. The theoretical work of Argyris and Schon (single-loop and double-loop learning) and Crossan, Lane and White (the cognitive processes of intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing) was considered, together with that of later theorists. Emphasis in the literature is collectively placed on the role of individuals within organizations, and how the organizations themselves should be a product of the creativity of those individuals and the enabling organizational structures. Library evaluation plays or should play a critical role in both enabling libraries to become learning organizations in this sense, and sustaining such continuing organizational development. In general there has been insufficient attention to how library evaluation can be effectively integrated in the library as a continuing planning and responding process. A more sophisticated approach must be taken, especially in view of the increased challenges and responsibilities which academic libraries are now facing.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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