In this study, we investigated the recent development of Institutional Repositories (IR) by universities through content analysis to achieve a better understanding of systems necessary functions. It was discovered that the essential functions of an IR include the search and retrieval of items, authority setting, statistical analysis, long-time preservation and the interoperability with other systems. Based on the results of the content analysis, we developed an IR system for National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU) using the DSpace software protocol, then increased and amended the program and the functions of the system. These improvements included enhancing the effectiveness of system operation and management, localizing this system in traditional Chinese, and developing customized programs to serve specific functions. Increased management effectivity was achieved by developing the metadata model, drafting standard operation procedures (SOP) and related documents, collating and analyzing the research output of the university, checking the validity of authorization, and enabling the OAI-PMH data provider functions.
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