
以CIDOC CRM為基礎的影像資料庫知識探索之研究


The Study of Knowledge Discovery from Image Archives Based on CIDOC CRM




林佳宏(Chia-Hung Lin);洪聖豪(Sheng-Hao Hung)


語意網 ; 知識探索 ; 知識本體 ; 推論平台 ; Semantic Web ; Knowledge discovery ; CIDOC CRM ; Inference platform




15卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


87 - 108




本研究主要是探討在語意網架構下建構一個推論平台的流程。藉著一個在文化遺產領域已成為國際標準的CIDOC CRM知識本體(ISO21127),我們將影像作品詮釋資料的詮釋性知識與影像作品文字描述的概念性知識,作語意上的知識整合。目的是為了探索在異質性影像資料庫之間的隱性知識。本研究在影像資料庫知識探索的經驗與結果顯示,應用語意網常用的工具軟體所建構的推論平台,是可實際應用在現實生活異質性影像資料庫的整合。


This study presents core processes for developing an inference platform under the Semantic Web architecture to discover implicit knowledge dispersed among heterogeneous image archives. By using a well-designed core ontology in the cultural domain (CIDOC CRM, ISO21127), we semantically integrated real-life image archives with both administrative-level metadata and conceptual-level event knowledge described in free-texts. We discuss the need for a robust inference platform for real-life knowledge discovery and integration among heterogeneous image archives. Experimental results indicate the approach can be implemented in real-life applications.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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