


Communicating Social Responsibility: A Content Analysis of Public Library Websites in the United States




邱銘心(Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu);林沂瑩(Yi-Ying Lin)


公共圖書館 ; 社會責任 ; 網站內容分析 ; Public library ; Social responsibility ; Website content analysis




15卷2期(2011 / 09 / 01)


99 - 123






World Wide Web has become a focus for the popular press, mass communication, and news and media. Both profit and non-profit organizations are taking advantage of the information technology and innovation to promote their own agendas, causes, products, and services. One way the public defines an organization’s stance in society is through the notion of social responsibility and social engagement. This study therefore investigats how public libraries as information services organizations present their goals, define their roles, and articulate their social welfare and the public interests of their stakeholders on their Web presence. Content analysis was performed on 25 public library websites to identify types of social responsibility, intended audience, area of presentation, digital genre and data type. It is hoped that the public libraries under investigation in this study can become the role model in promoting social responsibility and engagement.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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