


Issue of Monograph Publishing in the Humanities and Its Impact on Scholarly Communication




吳紹群(Shao-Chun Wu);陳雪華(Hsueh-Hua Chen)


學術出版 ; 學術傳播 ; 專書 ; 人文學 ; 圖書 ; Scholarly publishing ; Scholarly communication ; Monograph ; Humanities ; Books




15卷2期(2011 / 09 / 01)


39 - 61




近年來圖書館界十分重視期刊漲價議題,對於期刊出版問題在學術傳播上造成的威脅亦十分關心,Open Access等新的期刊出版模式也常被討論。但是,對於學術出版的另一重要板塊─專書(學術圖書)則缺乏同等的重視,多數文獻僅提及期刊漲價已對圖書館購買專書的預算造成排擠,至於專書本身的出版問題及其對學術傳播的影響,則鮮少有人探討。本文由學術傳播概念出發,以倚賴專書最深的人文學領域為例,探討專書出版問題的成因,並討論專書出版問題對學術傳播系統可能會造成哪些影響。


During recent years, libraries have paid extra attention to the increased price of periodicals and the serious implications it might have on scholarly communication. New modes of periodical publication such as Open Access have also been widely discussed. However, much less attention has been paid to another important sector of scholarly publishing - monographs (scholarly books). Most literatures only mention the low budget for monographs in libraries rather than the problems related to the publishing of monographs and its influences on scholarly communication. This paper focuses on scholarly communication, and takes as its example the field of humanism which greatly relies on monographs, to discuss the causes of problems related to monograph publishing and analyze the influences of these problems on scholarly communication systems.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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