


Analysis of College Students' Information Disclosure on Online Social Networking Sites




吳寂絹(Chi-Chuan Wu);邱銘心(Phoebe Ming-Hsin Chiu)


資訊揭露 ; 社群網站 ; 社會交換理論 ; information disclosure ; online social networks ; social exchange theory




16卷2期(2012 / 09 / 01)


170 - 191




社群網站是一個相當年輕,但卻快速成長的網路現象。為了解大學生於社群網站的資訊揭露行為,本研究以社會交換理論(Social Exchange Theory, SET)為基礎,探索大學生使用Facebook之自我揭露行為。研究結果顯示參與社群網站大學生之資訊揭露行為模式,符合SET的主張,同時得知大學生參與社群網站的動機、行動、報酬及成本等因素為何。最後除提出一個大學生於社群網站資訊揭露的行為模式外,並提出建議供教育人員及社群網站經營者參考,以建構健全的網路社群。


Online social networks (OSNs) are emerging as a young but rapidly growing phenomenon on the web. This study attempts to explore the behaviors and factors of self-disclosure of online social network (OSN) users with the theoretical insights of Social Exchange Theory (SET). The results show that self-disclosure behavioral patterns of college students are in line with the idea of SET, it also addresses college students' motivation, rational action, rewards, and cost factors of joining Facebook. Finally, a research model of information disclosure behavior pattern for college students is addressed. We also provide insights for OSN service providers and educators to cultivate a healthier online community.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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