The citation analysis looks at references in literature in order to determine what materials are actually used. This study analyzed all references cited in articles published between 2006 and 2010 of four THCI Core history journals, including of ”Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica”, ”Taiwan Historical Research”, ”The Journal of History”, ”Bulletin of the Department of History of National Taiwan University”. A total of 256 journal papers and 17,332 references were identified and analyzed. The document type, year, language and the average number of citations were addressed. The archives type, period, language, archival fonds and collection place of 1,461 archival documents also were described. The results of this study reveal that monographs are the highly cited type of all references. The citation ratio of archives are low. The characteristics of most cited archives are official records. Chinese is the main language cited of all references and archives. ”The files of Taiwan Sotokufu” are the most cited archives by historians. The collection of Taiwan historical agencies and foreign National Archives are the important resources for historical research. Finally, this study proposes suggestions of archives collection development and appraisal decisions for reference.
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