


Primary Investigation of Food Blog Interface Usability Evaluation




吳彥宏(Yen-Hong Wu);吳政叡(Cheng-Juei Wu)


使用性 ; 使用性評估 ; 使用者介面 ; 美食部落格 ; usability ; usability evaluation ; user interface ; food blog




19卷2期(2015 / 09 / 01)


48 - 68






In this work, based on related researches of user interface design and usability evaluation in food blogs, we first develop a usability evaluation model, incorporating three perspectives: content usability, interactive interface, and layout design, with 21 evaluation items in total. The 15 evaluation samples are chosen from three types of food blogs: personal food blogs, company food blogs, and Alexa food blogs. This investigation proposes several important findings. Firstly, in each of these three types of food blogs, the most famous blog is better designed than those randomly selected blogs. Secondly, Alexa food blogs are overall performed better than the other two types of food blogs. In addition, personal food blogs are scored more or less equal to company food blogs. From the perspective of each individual evaluated item, all three types of blogs have severe usability problems in two items: improper use images and website blocks. In addition, personal food blogs have severe usability problems in five other items: consistency, navigable age length, stable connection, consistent theme, and individual article cumulative popularity. Company food blogs have severe usability problems in two other items: consistency and opinionated blogger articles. Alexa food blogs have severe usability problem in only one more item: article classification.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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