


Exploration of Digital Object Correlations via DOI Identifiers and the FRBR Model




張慧銖(Huei-Chu Chang)


數位物件辨識碼 ; 書目紀錄功能需求 ; 國際標準名稱辨識碼 ; 開放型研究者及投稿者辨識碼 ; 書目關係 ; DOI ; FRBR ; ISNI ; ORCID ; bibliographic relationship




20卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 25






This study attempts to link the same object to its different versions through DOI, supplemented by linking different works by the same author via an author identifier, and to render specific correlation between digital objects through hierarchical FRBR relationships. The digital objects include electronic books, electronic dissertations, and electronic proceedings. The results of this study may assist libraries to establish bibliographic families within electronic resource collections and provide a reference model for using DOI resources installed on the World Wide Web to implement information organization in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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