


Searching for Diversifying Policy Choice, Value and Practice within the Family: A Policy Thinking of the Caring Allowance Program for the Middle-to-Low Income Elderly in Taiwan




曾薔霓(Chiang-Ni Tseng)


家庭照顧者 ; 照顧者津貼 ; 照顧政策 ; 照顧價值 ; family caregivers ; caring allowance ; care policy ; values of care




6卷1期(2007 / 08 / 01)


131 - 175






In searching for diversifying policy choices and the operational logic of caring allowance program in Taiwan, this paper purports to take the family caregivers' perspective and explore the possibility of providing them with plural options. For one thing, the family caregivers could take advantage of the home-care service support program and enjoy the time to take a break and recruit their strength. For another, giving the universal caring allowance program, the family caregivers, in identifying themselves as the practitioners of ”the labor of love” could opt for doing the caring work by themselves without engendering economic burden for their families. So long as this policy goal is concerned, the family caregivers who have not been eligible for the caring allowance should be given at least equal considerations. For this purpose, this paper discusses the operational logic and principle of caring allowance in terms of the choice of policy targets, the allocation of care resources, etc. Finally, this paper endeavors to propose certain adaptations of orientation as well as other suggestions in the current policy of caring allowance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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