


Differential Governance Regime and Governable Discrepancy: An Analysis of Employment Regime Change in Taiwan




李健鴻(Chien-Hung Lee)


就業體制 ; 勞動市場風險 ; 差序治理 ; Employment Regime ; Labor Market Risks ; Differential Governance




6卷2期(2008 / 02 / 01)


109 - 145




本文從就業體制觀點出發,分析台灣在2000年之後勞動市場風險擴大情勢下的就業體制變革情形。研究發現,台灣新興就業體制依照「特殊職業身份與失業類別」、「社會身份類別」二項原則,共同建構出「差序治理」成爲台灣新興就業體制的最重要特徵,進而使台灣就業體制在實際執行上,產生二項治理矛盾問題,包括「制度旋轉門檻之規範落差」問題與「制度競合」問題。 台灣新興就業體制,在2000年後的高失業率勞動市場風險擴大時期,雖然確實產生有限度壓制失業率的成效,但是在此時期建構形成的差序治理就業體制,卻也產生新的治理矛盾問題,必需加以解決。因此,未來台灣就業體制,有必要考量以「勞動市場風險評估」與「就業能力評估」爲主的就業體制建構新原則,以修正當前就業體制的整體資源低效率運用問題。


This paper analyzes the changes in employment regime in Taiwan in the context of increased labor market risks since 2000. The main finding is that the 'differential governance' that results from incorporating the two principles of 'specific occupational identity and unemployment category' and 'social identity category', has become the most important characteristic of the new employment regime in Taiwan. Such a regime brings forth in practice two governable discrepancy problems, namely, the problem of 'low institutional aswirl threshold' and that of 'institutional coopetition.' Although this new employment regime did reduce unemployment rate in the period of enlarged labor market risks since 2000, the newly created governable discrepancy problems must be tackled. Thus, in the future, it is necessary for the employment regime to incorporate 'labor market risks evaluation' and 'employability evaluation' for purpose of correcting the problem of inefficiency in resources use that has troubled the present employment regime.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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