The paper discusses the role of civil society for the development of the Nordic welfare states. It begins with a definition of the welfare state and outlines the characteristics of the so-called 'Nordic' or 'Scandinavian welfare model' and tries to assess in what sense it can be described or understood as a success. The historical role of civil society for the present characteristics of the Nordic (welfare) model is-in the form of a general overview-briefly spelled out, and the implications of the historically developed relationships between civil society and the state for the functioning of the welfare states are assessed. The paper ends with some comments on changes in civil society and to what extent the Nordic welfare model may thus be challenged.
The paper sets out to show that the Nordic countries are examples-historically and currently-of consensual democracies and 'the politics of compromise' in which the comparatively efficient and successful tri-partite relations between civil society (in particular the organizations in the labour market), business and the state have been crucial for the development of the 'Nordic type' of welfare state. The normative commitment to a comprehensive welfare state is-in general-persistently strong among parties, organizations and voters. 'Corporatist' arrangements, in which civil society plays an important role, have been conducive to mutual trust-building, and conducive to high levels of consensus on economic policy-making and welfare state development and reforms. Economic structural change, demographic change and globalization in all its aspects are factors which (also) in the Nordic countries may inspire new forms of organizations appearing and new forms of cooperation between civil society, the state and the market, within and beyond nations. So far, the Nordic (welfare) model has been resilient, and it is more likely than not that it will remain resilient and, given its characteristics, be capable of adapting to new challenges arising in a more globalized world.
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