


Child Rearing in the Era of a Declining Birthrate: Exploring Contemporary Japanese View on Child Rearing by "Children on the Waiting List"




翁麗芳(Lee-Fong Wong);塘 利枝子(Rieko Tomo)


少子化 ; 兒童教養 ; 育兒觀 ; Declining birthrate ; Child rearing ; View on parenting or child rearing




9卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


135 - 183






A declining birthrate, attributable in part to falling enrollment in institutions that serve children, is a common social phenomenon in both Taiwan and Japan. However, in Japan there is an additional issue, ”children on the waiting list” to enroll in early childhood institutions. Unlike children waiting to enter the well-known or prestigious kindergartens, most of these children are less than 3 years old and raised by parents who are both working. The problem has existed for a long time and the Japanese government tracks it every year.In Taiwan, the institutions are supplemented by informal child-care providers such as grandparents, aunts, nannies/nurses, and neighbors. It is common for contemporary Taiwanese women who have both a job and young children to place their children in the day care centers. Career women face the dilemma of choosing the ”right” institution for their young children, but ”rightness” is not always defined as good ”nurture and care.”The Japanese government has not paid a great deal of attention to the declining birthrate, although it is aware that Japanese children are living in a ”dangerous environment” and that young parents face difficulties raising them. Hence, the government has initiated a series of strategies aimed at supporting young children and their parents. In their study, the authors examined the childcare policies of the central government and local governments in Tokyo city and the Setagaya-ku area. They also conducted a field investigation in which they interviewed four families with young children and governmental officials who worked in the district childcare office. A comparison of Japanese and Taiwanese childcare policies led to the following conclusions:1. The difference between kindergartens and nursery schools lies in their targets and purposes; parents of young children also had different expectations of these two school systems.2. Regardless of their legal status, the acceptance and popularity of early childhood day care center was based in large part on their tuition and fees.3. Parents chose preschool day care center for their children carefully and they used multiple criteria.4. From past to present, the social expectation of a woman's role in the family shifted significantly from being a housewife to being a career woman.5. The Japanese government has insisted on high quality in its childcare and social systems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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