
Making Community Work:社會資本與社區參與關聯性之研究


Making the Community Work: The Correlation between Social Capital and Community Participation




林信廷(Xin-Ting Lin);莊俐昕(Li-Hsin Chuang);劉素珍(Su-Jen Liu);黃源協(Yuan-Shie Hwang)


社會資本 ; 社區參與 ; 結合型社會資本 ; 橋接型社會資本 ; 連結型社會資本 ; Social capital ; Community participation ; Bonding social capital ; Bridging social capital ; Linking social capital




10卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


161 - 210






This study explored the correlation between social capital and community participation. A total of 534 samples were selected from 30 communities of Taichung City and Nantou County by using proportional to population size sampling (PPS) and were investigated by administering a structured questionnaire. The findings show that social capital has positive impacts on community participation, and bridging social capital is the most significant influence. Among all of the social capital factors, ”networks” play the most vital role in community participation. Networks of bridging and linking social capital have positive influences on community participation, but networks of bonding social capital have a negative impact on community participation. Nevertheless, community participation has promoted the stock of community social capital as well. At all of the community participation levels, the lowest level, named ”notification”, and the highest level, named ”decision making and initiative”, both have significant influences on social capital. Based on analysis, the author proposes to promote community participation as a vital means of promoting social capital in community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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