


The Spatial Pattern of Fertility in Taiwan: A Diffusion Approach




王德睦(Te-Mu Wang);董宜禎(Yi-Jhen Dong);陳昭榮(Jun-Rong Chen)


人口轉型 ; 擴散理論 ; 鄰近效應 ; 空間-時間迴歸模型 ; 地理資訊系統 ; Demographic transition ; Diffusion theory ; Neighborhood effect ; Spatial-time regression model ; GIS




11卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


31 - 67




傳統討論生育轉型的決定性因素大多將焦點聚焦在社會經濟結構變遷以及政府生育政策的影響,然而這些因素的解釋在較小規模地區受到限制。近幾十年來,為了深入了解鄉鎮市等小規模區域,愈來愈多研究取徑擴散理論(Diffusion Theory)的解釋,而臺灣在這方面的研究仍有待進一步探討。本研究乃依循擴散理論,修正Montgomery和Casterline(1993)的時間序列模型並結合地理資訊系統(GIS),使用臺灣的普查資料與人口登記資料,討論生育轉型過程中,鄉鎮別生育率的空間差異與分佈模式,並透過空間-時間迴歸模型檢視鄰近鄉鎮生育率的空間關連,釐清臺灣鄉鎮別生育率在空間上是否具有相關性或是隨機發生。研究結果顯示社會與經濟結構變項對鄉鎮別生育率具有影響力,即使模型納入鄰近效應亦然,證實鄉鎮別生育率的影響因素中,有部分的確是鄰近鄉鎮蘊含相似的社會與經濟條件使然;另一方面,空間-時間迴歸模型顯示擴散效果與鄉鎮別生育率空間分佈兩者之間具有高度顯著的因果相關,且鄉鎮內與跨鄉鎮的擴散均隨時間而變化,在在說明鄉鎮生育率除了社會與經濟結構的作用外,擴散效果亦是生育率穩定下降的重要因素。


Theoretically the fertility transition is related to socio-economic and education developments as well as government policies. The validity of the arguments, however, is limited when applied to small areas. Over the past few decades, many studies tried to apply the diffusion theory in exploring the fertility changes in small areas. The introduction of spatial analysis in this context is still in the early stage of development in Taiwan, however. This study utilizes spatial analysis relating the diffusion theory to a time-series model proposed by Montgomery and Casterline (1993) for examination of the spatial pattern of fertility transition at township level. Our results nevertheless show a great impact of socioeconomic structure factors on the township total fertility rates, despite a ”neighborhood effect” also specified in the model. Secondly, the Spatial-time regression model employed shows a significant effect of the diffusion on township fertility rates. Across the townships fertility interdependency has increased and within the townships the time-series effect decreased from 1981 to 2001.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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