The purpose of this article is to analyze whether Japan's long-term care (LTC) policy measures for securing the LTC workforce have contributed in the past, and are likely to contribute in the future, to resolution of the problems of underrecognition and devaluation of care work. Almost all aging or aged societies, including Japan, have many unresolved problems with regard to recruiting and retaining a good-quality LTC workforce. Since the launch of the Long-Term Care Insurance System (LTCIS) in 2000, securing human resources and improving the working conditions of care workers has become a crucial policy issue. In presenting the Japanese LTC policy experience and discussing prospects for securing the LTC workforce, the author first examines the following questions: What has been the main approach of the LTCIS in securing a quality LTC workforce? What kind of problems/issues have policymakers faced? What prospects does the newly introduced scheme have? Second, the author describes the ongoing reforms in the LTCIS aimed at establishing the Community-Based Integrated Care System, while paying attention to how reform affects the recognition and valuation of care work. Finally, the author critically analyzes the implications for Japan's policy development for resolving or not resolving the problems of underrecognition and devaluation of care work.
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地域包括ケア研究会(2010)。平成21年度老人保健健康増進等事業報告書平成21年度老人保健健康増進等事業報告書,Tokyo:三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング株式会社=Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting。