


Proposal for Old-Age Basic Pension in Taiwan




鄭清霞(Ching-Hsia Cheng);洪明皇(Ming-Hwang Hong);王靜怡(Ching-Yi Wang);李佩芳(Pei-Fang Lee)


年金改革 ; 老年年金 ; 基本適足性 ; pension reform ; old-age pension ; basic adequacy




13卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


117 - 160






Financial sustainability and adequate payments are the two primary goals of pension policy. How best to maintain the balance between these two goals is a challenge faced by many countries seeking pension reform. In Taiwan, pensions were reformed in 2013 and again in 2016. Numerous research groups have proposed a basic pension with a flat-rate payment to strengthen social solidarity and facilitate the integration of pension schemes. This paper presents a theoretical model based on the consumption habits of elderly people and discusses not only guidelines concerning how to appropriately set the basic pension level but also proposals for integrating the basic pension into existing pension schemes. Based on 12 types of expenditure in 2015, the average monthly consumption expenditure per older household in the lowest, middle, and highest 10 percent was NT$10,048, NT$17,028, and NT$43,416, respectively. When only seven types of consumption expenditure were analyzed, the corresponding figures for the middle and highest 10 percent were NT$11,750 and NT$45,020, respectively. In addition to consumption expenditure, other elements that must be incorporated into the design of a basic pension payment include contributory and noncontributory elements, means-tested and non-means-tested elements, basic protection contents, old-age living resources (i.e. health insurance, long-term care, housing, and public services), individual equity, labor participation motivation, income redistribution, and financial sustainability and affordability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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