


The exploratory research of inter-professional competence perception through organizational climate effect to job satisfaction: Case study of medium and high-level personnel of Ministry of Health and Welfare




劉宜君(Ii-Chun Liu);林昭吟(Chao-Yin Lin);陳敦源(Tui-Yuan Chen);賴怡樺(Yi-Hua Lai)


組織氣候 ; 跨專業職能 ; 工作滿足感 ; 中介變項 ; Organizational Climate ; Inter-professional Competence ; Job Satisfaction ; Mediator Variable




14卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


71 - 113






Few previous studies have explored the issues concerning interdisciplinary professional knowledge caused by changes in organizational structure and the impact of these issues on job satisfaction. Previous studies in this field have mainly been conducted from two perspectives. One uses organizational climate as a mediating variable to study the impact of organizational structure and employee job satisfaction on job performance. The other examines the direct impact of organizational structure and employee job satisfaction on job performance. This study explores the relationship between interdisciplinary professional competence perception across the organization and job satisfaction. Staff members of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) were used as research subjects. After the establishment of the MOHW in 2013, the core functions of its staff were expanded from health and medical to include social welfare services. Such changes in the organization have interdisciplinary and inter-professional characteristics. The organizational transformation at the Executive Yuan (Office) offers a relevant context for studying the relationship between interdisciplinary competence and job satisfaction. Therefore, this study examines the moderating effect of organizational climate on interdisciplinary knowledge and job satisfaction using organizational climate as a mediator Variable. In addition, the study examines the staff's understanding of the interactive nature and operational difficulties of health and social services delivery. Further, it explores how these have an impact on the relationship between interdisciplinary competence and job satisfaction. The findings from this research will serve as a reference for the MOHW in the implementation of future policies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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