


Social Resilience of Female Migrant Spouses in Puli: Case Study of the 921 Earthquake




黃彥宜(Yen-Yi Huang);王櫻芬(Ying-Fen Wang);陳昭榮(Jun-Rong Chen)


新住民 ; 921地震 ; 社會復原力 ; Female Migrant Spouses ; The 921 Earthquake ; Social Resilience




15卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


87 - 124






Gender, ethnicity, and disaster have become high-profile issues in Taiwan and international academic communities; however, research on the experiences of female migrant spouses during the 921 earthquake has been scant. This paper uses the perspectives of social resilience to explore the problems and needs of female migrant spouses in Puli during and after the 921 earthquake. The paper examines whether the community in which female migrant spouses lived provided the resources and support to help them recover from the disaster when the earthquake stroke and reduced the negative impact of structural inequality. Traditionally, the concept of resilience focuses on personality traits, whereas social resilience emphasizes the interaction of individuals with the environment and the support individuals receive from their society. In this study, a semi-structured interview was used to gather information from 11 female migrant spouses who had experienced the 921 earthquake. The aimis to explore how an individual's strength, formal and informal support systems, ecological environment, and cultural factors and beliefs supplement each other to form redundancy and reinforced resilience during the disaster.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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