Guided by the theory of active aging and based on an investigation of a community-based model in Japan, this paper aims to promote the utilization of middle-aged and elderly human resources. Existing policies and practices for the utilization of middle-aged and elderly human resources are largely focused on employment promotion. This paper provides innovative insights into approaches for better engaging middle-aged and elderly human resources to address the influence of population and workforce aging. First, a multidimensional model was established based on the active aging framework to promote the utilization of middle-aged and elderly human resources. Second, the approaches adopted by Japan to implement policies and strategies for middle-aged and elderly human resources that emphasize the role of community were analyzed. From the perspective of active aging, promoting continuous contributions to society, enabling self-fulfillment, and supporting intergenerational inclusion are at the core of policies implemented for middle-aged and elderly human resources. Third, a conceptual framework with the community as a hub was developed, including the needs of residents, the community, and wider society. Next, the approaches followed by Taiwan and Japan to address issues related to the utilization of middle-aged and elderly human resources were compared, using the proposed multidimensional model. Finally, the influence of Japan's experiences on Taiwan's strategies for the utilization of middle-aged and elderly human resources was analyzed.
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