Social insurance systems in Taiwan have faced two major challenges. First, the accumulation of liabilities and deterioration of financial situation of insurance companies have increased the financial burden imposed on such systems. Second, the systems have created various insurance plans whose benefits and protection levels vary depending on an individual's occupation, thus resulting in occupational inequality. In particular, the National Pension Insurance (NPI), a major social insurance system in Taiwan, has the following problems that warrant addressing: predominant coverage of vulnerable individuals, gradual decline in the number of insured people, gradual population aging, and insufficient benefit levels. Because Taiwan has passed pension reforms, exploring NPI reform options is crucial. Reforms must be substantial, and programs must be sustainable to maintain the regularity of payouts and benefit levels. This can be achieved by adjusting the systems to the needs of unemployed individuals or by merging various insurance systems to create a new one. The objective of this study was to develop a framework for policy interventions to bridge the gaps in benefits between different systems and achieve a universal basic income system. This study adopted the expert interview method. The study also provides concrete suggestions for the future reform of the NPI system.
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