
Correlations Among Serum Calcium, Vitamin D and Parathyroid Hormone Levels in the Elderly in Southern Taiwan




李婉萍(Wan-Ping Lee);林麗味(Li-Wei Lin);葉淑惠(Shu-Hui Yeh);劉黃惠珠(Rosa Huang Liu);會雀芬(Cheun-Fen Tseng)


血鈣 ; 飮食攝取 ; 維他命D ; 副甲狀腺荷爾蒙 ; 老人 ; serum calcium ; dietary intake ; vitamin D ; parathyroid hormone ; the elderly


The Journal of Nursing Research


10卷1期(2002 / 03 / 01)


65 - 72




This study correlates serum vitamin D levels to related hormones and dietary intakes among 57 elderly Chinese above the age of 65 who were living in the same community in rural Southern Taiwan (Pingtung) and who had no conditions or drug intake known to interfere with the metabolism of vitamin D. Demographic characteristics, past medical history, medications, and dietary intake were collected via questionnaires. Venous blood samples were collected for analyses of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium levels. Our results showed subjects in this study to have normal mean values of serum 25(OH) D, PTH and calcium levels. The mean serum 25(OH) D level was 36.21 (±6.37) ng/ml, the mean serum PTH level 29.24 (±18.62) pg/ml and the mean serum calcium level 9.14 (±0.52) mg/dl. While the mean serum 25(OH) D and calcium values were not found to be significantly different between men and women, the mean serum PTFI level was significantly higher in women (33.42±20.00 pg/mi) than in men (23.07±14.66 pg/ml) (p<.05) and serum PTH levels were significantly negatively correlated to serum calcium (r=-.33, p<.05) but not 25(OH) D (r=-.21). A higher intake of calcium was significantly associated with higher serum calcium levels (r=.29, p<.05), but not with serum 25(OH) D levels. Results from this study suggested that the elderly people living in Pingtung, a particularly sunny region, had normal serum 25(OH) D levels. The fact that the elderly women studied had higher serum PTH levels and that these levels were negatively correlated to serum calcium levels suggests that a higher PTH level in the elderly women may be related to susceptibility for osteoporosis. In an effort to provide optimal nursing care for the elderly by minimizing hip fractures and related morbidity, further nursing studies are needed to study the effects of the environment, dietary intake and bone metabolism.


This study correlates serum vitamin D levels to related hormones and dietary intakes among 57 elderly Chinese above the age of 65 who were living in the same community in rural Southern Taiwan (Pingtung) and who had no conditions or drug intake known to interfere with the metabolism of vitamin D. Demographic characteristics, past medical history, medications, and dietary intake were collected via questionnaires. Venous blood samples were collected for analyses of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium levels. Our results showed subjects in this study to have normal mean values of serum 25(OH) D, PTH and calcium levels. The mean serum 25(OH) D level was 36.21 (±6.37) ng/ml, the mean serum PTH level 29.24 (±18.62) pg/ml and the mean serum calcium level 9.14 (±0.52) mg/dl. While the mean serum 25(OH) D and calcium values were not found to be significantly different between men and women, the mean serum PTFI level was significantly higher in women (33.42±20.00 pg/mi) than in men (23.07±14.66 pg/ml) (p<.05) and serum PTH levels were significantly negatively correlated to serum calcium (r=-.33, p<.05) but not 25(OH) D (r=-.21). A higher intake of calcium was significantly associated with higher serum calcium levels (r=.29, p<.05), but not with serum 25(OH) D levels. Results from this study suggested that the elderly people living in Pingtung, a particularly sunny region, had normal serum 25(OH) D levels. The fact that the elderly women studied had higher serum PTH levels and that these levels were negatively correlated to serum calcium levels suggests that a higher PTH level in the elderly women may be related to susceptibility for osteoporosis. In an effort to provide optimal nursing care for the elderly by minimizing hip fractures and related morbidity, further nursing studies are needed to study the effects of the environment, dietary intake and bone metabolism.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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