
Health Promotion and Partnerships: Collaboration of a Community Health Management Center, County Health Bureau, and University Nursing Program


Chih-Ling Huang


health prornotion ; part ner ship ; health fair ; eval u a tion re search


The Journal of Nursing Research


10卷2期(2002 / 06 / 01)


93 - 104




Effective part ner ships were estab lished between a corn mu nity health rnan age rnent center, a county health bureau and a uni ver sity nursing pro grarn. A health fair was under taken to heighten pub 1 ic health aware nessthrough the col lab ora tion of these various agencies. In this research, for rnative, pro cess, and surnrnative evaluations were con ducted to deter rnine the ben e fits of part ncr ships. Ele rnents evaluated included the plan ning pro cess, health fairrel e vancy, inte gra tion of corn rnu nity resources, participants’ satisfaction and knowl edge acqui si tion, and part ncr ship satisfaction. The sarn ples of this study included (1)529 adult par tic i pants who corn pleted the on-site evaluation question naires; (2) 1,090 child par tic i pants who returned gift-reward cards; (3) 114 part ners who gave writ ten feed backon their satisfaction; and (4)57 third-year and 16 fourth-year under grad u ate nursing stu dent participants. Data was collected frorn the evi dence report of the Depart rnent ofHealth, the proj ect pro posal, activity pro- to cols, rneet ing records, the project final report, stu dents’ terrn papers, and question naires. The chief adrnin is tra tor of the County Health Bureau was very irnpressed with the crc ative exhib its in the fair and, there fore, invited acoali tionto continue further work shops. Sev enteeneducational exhib its, two dance pro grarns and two drarna pro grarns related to health issues were dern on strated in the fair. Resources frorn corn rnunity organizations were success fully inte grated and allo cated. Corn rnmity par-tic i pants expressed satis fac tion with the fair and anticipated sirn i lar active i ties in the future. Participants revealed rnore than 80% accu racy in health knowl edge quiz zes. The senior nursing stu dents highlighted their interaction with the corn rnu nity, corn rnu nity health nurses, and health vol un teers. Cornrnu nity-based health pro rno tion and nursing education can be suc cess fully con nected when various disciplines and sectors forrn effective partner ships.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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