
The Essence of Spirituality of Terminally Ill Patients




趙可式(Co-Shi Chantal Chao);陳清惠(Ching-Huey Chen);顏妙芬(Miao-Fen Yen)


詮釋學研究 ; 質性研究 ; 靈性 ; 末期病患 ; 安寧療護 ; hermeneutic study ; qualitativere search ; spirituality ; terminally ill patients ; hospice palliative care


The Journal of Nursing Research


10卷4期(2002 / 12 / 01)


237 - 245






The purpose of this hermeneutic study was to investigate the essence of spirituality of terminally ill patients. In-depth unstructured interviews were used as the method for data col1ection. In the six-month period of data col1ection, the researcher was in the role of a hospice palliative care consultant who directly took care of the subject patients in a hospice ward of a teaching hospital. The six subjects were selected purposively according to various demo graphic backgrounds. Interview transcripts pro vided the data for anal y sis. The results were com posed off our constitutive patterns and ten themes. The first constitutive pattern was “Communion with Self” which included three themes: (1) Self-identity—-spirituality is the discovery of the authentic self. (2) Whole ness—a human being is full of contradictions but still in whole ness. (3) Inner peace—spirituality is negotiating conflicts for self-reconciliation. The second constitutive pattern was “Communion with others” which included two themes: (1) Love—spirituality is a caring relation ship but not an over-attachment to others. (2) Reconciliation—spirituality is to forgive and to be forgiven. The third constitutive pattern was “Communion with Nature” which included two themes: (1) Inspiration from the nature—spirituality is the resonance of the marvelous beauty of nature. (2) Creativity—spirituality is conceiving imaginatively. The fourth constitutive pattern was “Communion with Higher Being” which included three themes: (1) Faithfulness—spirituality is keeping the trust depend ably. (2) Hope—spirituality is claiming possibilities. (3) Gratitude—spirituality is giving thanks and embracing grace. The scientific rigor of this qualitative research as well as the strength and limitations of the study are reported. Implications for hospice palliative care and future research are recommended.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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