In an attempt to investigate faculty’s perceptions of human is tic teaching in nursing baccalaureate programs, a qualitative study was con ducted by inter viewing 10 faculty members (including one dean, and five associate deans) who all had experience in teaching nursing baccalaureate students. The participants were from five universities located in the south western, south eastern, and southern parts of the USA. The data were collected from 6/28-7/12, 2002. All the inter views were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Data anal y sis was inductive, seeking under standing of individuals’ perceptions. When a number of coded con texts were considered to have common dements, they were merged to form categories and presented as results. The findings showed that there are five essential dements in faculty’s perceptions of human is tic teaching in nursing baccalaureate programs: availability, caring, authenticity, empowerment, and a transformative curriculum.
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