
The Development and Psychometric Testing of a Self-Care Scale for Dysmenorrhic Adolescents




謝金杏(Ching-Hsing Hsieh);高美玲(Meei-Ling Gau);毛新春(Hsin-Chun Mao);李中一(Chung-Yi Li)


痛經 ; 青少女 ; 自我照顧量表 ; 心理計量(信效度) ; dysmenorrheal ; adolescent girl ; self-care scale ; psychometric testing


The Journal of Nursing Research


12卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


119 - 130




本研究旨在發展及測試青少女痛經自我照顧量表。研究者們首先運用焦點團體訪談 方式瞭解青少女的痛經自我照顧行為。然後以方便取樣361 位年齡介於13-18 歲、 過去6 個月來至少有2 次痛經經驗的青少女為研究對象,來測試量表的信效度。量 表信度Cronbach’ s alpha 值為.89;另外,研究者乃運用對照組測試及驗證性因素分析來測試量表的效度。研究結果顯示:痛經自我照顧量表為一具有初步信效度的量表。


The purposes of this research were to develop and test a self-care scale for dysmenorrhic adolescents. A focus group was employed to obtain information on dysmenorrhic self-care behavior of adolescents. A convenience sample of 361 ado les cent girls aged 13-18 were employed who had experienced cramping pain in the lower abdomen during their menstrual periods at least two times within the 6 months prior to the study. Cronbach’s alpha of the scale was found to be 0.89 and both con tent and construct validity were addressed by a contrast-groups approach and confirmatory factor analysis. It was concluded that the resulting scale was both reliable and valid.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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