
Factors Influencing Students' Decisions to Choose Healthy or Unhealthy Snacks at the University of Newcastle, Australia




謝佩玲(Pei-Lin Hsieh)


點心 ; 學生 ; 食品 ; snack ; students ; food


The Journal of Nursing Research


12卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


83 - 91




本前趨性研究之目的在於探討影響學生選擇健康及非健康點心種類的相關因素, 針 對十位目前就讀澳洲紐卡素大學學生採用半結構式訪談,並以內容分析方法來分析 訪談資料。研究結果發現學生食用的點心相當多樣化,且大部分的學生將點心歸類 於非健康食品。本研究可歸納出四個主題:對於食用健康及非健康點心的認知; 影 響選擇健康及非健康點心的相關因素;對於食用點心之感覺;及避免食用非健康點 心的取代方法。主要影響選擇健康及非健康點心的相關因素有:環境、取得點心的 便利性、讀書壓力、健康問題、飲食習慣及社交活動。本研究因受限於研究對象較 少無法作成推論,但其結果可提供學校護理人員,對於大學生的健康飲食行為及其 影響因素有更深層之了解,同時可協助學校護理人員作為發展大學生健康飲食指導 之參考。


The aim of this study was to explore factors influencing selection of healthy and unhealthy snacks among students. Ten students who study at the University of Newcastle in Australia participated in semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings indicated that a variety of food was consumed by the students. Students classified snacks generally as unhealthy. Four major themes that emerged were: the perception of healthy and unhealthy snacks, the factors related to selection of healthy and unhealthy snacks, feelings related to consumption of snacks, and ways to avoid unhealthy snacks. Factors influencing choices about healthy or unhealthy snacks were environment, availability of the snacks, study pressure, health problems, habits, and social activity. The limitation of this study was the small size of the sample, resulting in the fact that no general conclusions could be drawn. The results however, could help school nurses to gain a deeper understanding of university students’ snacking patterns. It might also assist school nurses in the development of healthy eating guidance for university students.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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