
The Association Between Prenatal Sleep Quality and Obstetric Outcome






洪瑄曼(Hsuan-Man Hung);柯淑華(Shu-Hua Ko);陳彰惠(Chung-Hey Chen)


睡眠品質 ; 懷孕 ; 生產結果 ; sleep quality ; pregnancy ; obstetric outcome.


The Journal of Nursing Research


22卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


147 - 154




背景 最近國際睡眠障礙分類中新增孕期睡眠障礙項目,可見孕期睡眠障礙是重要的婦女健康議題之一。目的 本研究旨在探討第二孕期和第三孕期睡眠品質和產科-新生兒健康指標之相關性。方法 本研究採前瞻性的研究設計,樣本來源為南部地區兩家教學醫院之產前門診,共收集有效樣本128位第二孕期和120位第三孕期婦女,完成填寫匹茲堡睡眠品質量表,並於產後從病歷追蹤其分娩及新生兒出生紀錄。資料收集時間為2007年10月至2008年06月。結果 孕期睡眠障礙(匹茲堡睡眠品質量表得分 > 5)的盛行率:第二孕期58%,第三孕期66%;未上班之孕婦比職業婦女有較高之睡眠障礙盛行率。產後追蹤孕婦的分娩生產紀錄和其新生兒的出生紀錄發現,第三孕期有睡眠障礙的孕婦於生產時,使用真空吸引協助分娩的比率顯著較高。結論/實務應用 本研究發現,第三孕期有睡眠障礙的孕婦於生產時,使用真空吸引協助分娩的比率顯著較高,故建議產前照護宜包括偵測睡眠品質,提供前瞻性睡眠諮商,以協助孕婦在母性角色過渡時期有順利的身心調適。


Background: Pregnancy-associated sleep disorder is a new category on the latest version of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders. It is a significant problem for pregnant women. Purpose: The present follow-up study assesses the association between sleep quality during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and obstetric-neonatal outcomes. Methods: A prospective follow-up study design was used. Follow-up examination of the obstetric birth records in the immediate postpartum period were carried out on 128 second-trimester and 120 third-trimester women and their newborns in two hospitals in Taiwan. Poor sleep quality was identified using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Data were collected from October 2007 to June 2008. Results: The prevalence of poor sleepers (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score 9 5) was 58% for second-trimester participants and 66% for third-trimester participants; participants who were unemployed reported a significantly higher prevalence of poor sleep quality than those who were employed. Subsequent review of the participant’s obstetric birth records revealed that third-trimester poor sleepers were more likely to have had a vacuum-assisted delivery. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: This study identified poor sleep quality during the third trimester as a novel risk factor for vacuum-assisted delivery. We suggest that prenatal healthcare providers focus greater attention to the sleep disturbance condition of pregnant women and provide proactive sleep counseling to facilitate pregnant women’s adjustment to the new psychosocial and physiological demands of motherhood.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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