Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the causes of injury, patient characteristics, medical utilization and prognosis for inpatients hospitalized as a result of injury by different levels of family income.Methods: This research gathered data about ”inpatient expenditures by admissions”, ”registry for contracted medical facilities” and ”registry for beneficiaries” from the National Health Insurance Research database for 2006-2007 and analyzed it with SPSS 18.0 software. We defined injury as ICD-9-CM N Code ”800-999” and E Code ”E800-E999”.Results: There were 13,860 low-income patients hospitalized as a result of injury in Taiwan in 2006-2007. The total hospitalization rate was 3,189.1/10^5. Among the various low-income groups, males had a higher hospitalization rate than females (males: 4,172.7/10^5, females: 2,217.2/10^5), the population over 65 had the highest rate, and the top three counties were Hualien County, Ilan County, and Taichung County. The major causes of injury were traffic accidents (E800-E848) and falls (E880-E888), and most of the cases were hospitalized in local hospitals. Compared with non-low-income families, inpatients with low-income had more comorbid conditions, higher CCI (Charlson Comorbidity Index) scores, more consultations from the psychiatry department, longer lengths of stay more medical costs, and worse prognoses. The risk of mortality for low-income inpatients was 1.674 times that of non-low-income ones (OR=1.674, p<0.001) by multivariate logistic regression analysis, and the overall model explained 37.5% of the variance.Conclusions: The risk of mortality for low-income inpatients was higher than that for non-lowincome inpatients. In order to eliminate health inequality in low-income households, we should provide medical services, employment assistance and job opportunities in order for them to increase their income.
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