


Factors of Affecting Intention to Stay among Home Care Assistants




賴亭君(Ting-Chun Lai);林宜勳(Yi-Hsun Lin);郭懿芝(Yi-Zhi Guo);陳柏思(Bo-Si Chen);黃煒霖(Wei-Lin Huang);王啟忠(Chi-Chung Wang)


長期照護 ; 居家照顧服務員 ; 留任意願 ; home care assistants ; intention to stay ; long-term care




28卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 8




背景及目的:因應台灣人口老化以及社會福利需求增加的趨勢,照護人力的需求也隨之增加,但目前初階人力招募困難且流動率高,因此本研究分析花蓮地區居家照顧服務員的留任意願、與其背景資料、工作疲勞及社會支持等之間的相關性。方法:目前花蓮地區共有兩家基金會承辦政府長照服務中心轉介之居家服務業務。本研究以結構式問卷,普查花蓮居家照顧服務員之人口學變項、工作相關變項、工作倦怠程度、社會支持程度與留任意願之相關量化資料。除了量化分析外,本研究也收集收案對象對於增加留任意願之質性意見。結果:研究對象為居家照顧服務員共100人,其回收率為80% (80/100)。性別比例女性為主(97.5%);平均年齡45.9±6.9歲;種族以原住民族為主(65%);多為家中主要經濟來源者(67.5%);服務年資多為三年以上(85%)。職場疲勞程度分數偏低,特別是對服務對象疲勞,而社會支持程度分數偏高。留任意願滿分為五分,平均為4.5±0.9分。對服務對象疲勞程度與留任意願有中度負相關性(r=-0.4, p<0.01)。結論:目前花蓮地區居家照護服務員留任意願高,留任意願與職場疲勞程度呈負相關性,尤其與對工作對象疲勞達中度負相關。


Background: Long-term care is an important concern in an aging society. Home care assistants are essential for addressing both the existing and emerging needs of elderly people. However, it is difficult to recruit and maintain sufficient home care assistants. This study examined the factors influencing the intention to stay among home care assistants including baseline characteristics, occupational burnout, and social support. Methods: The cross-sectional study adopted a questionnaire to survey demographic characteristics, occupational burnout, social support, and intention to stay among the full-time home care assistants recruited from two foundations in Hualien City. In addition to quantitative analysis, this study also collects the qualitative opinions of home care assistants on increasing intention to stay. Results: Eighty of the 100 recruited home care assistants completed the survey (response rate: 80%). Two thirdth of respondents were aborigines and most were women. The average age was 45.9±6.9 years, and 85% of the respondents had worked for over 3 years. The mean score of intention to stay was 4.5±0.9 (full score=5).Client-related burnout appeared to be a leading factor and moderately correlated to the intention to stay (r=-0.4, p<0.01). Conclusion: In spite of an overall high intention to stay, a negative correlation between burnout and intention to stay was observed among the surveyed home care assistants in Hualien City. Espicillay

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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