


To Insult a Person You Dislike with a Literary Work? Interpreting the Goal and Writing Style of the White Ape Story




黃東陽(Tung-Yang Huang)


唐傳奇 ; 〈補江總白猿傳〉 ; 文言小說 ; 唐人小說 ; 歐陽詢 ; Legendary novel of the Tang Dynasty ; "The White Ape Story" ; Classical novel ; Tang novel ; Ouyang Xun




23期(2011 / 12 / 01)


29 - 47






This paper is based on the White Ape Story. It began with the analysis of the image of the White Ape from the cultural point of view, then investigated the method of plot in the story. This study found that the author continued the traditional culture in treating the White Ape as an animal with virtue and intellect. It was also a goblin in the mountain with godhood. But the White Ape still had the beastliness and snatched someone's wife because of the lust. Although they produced offspring, the lust offended the Heaven and incurred death penalty from the Heaven. Although knowing the heavenly mandate, this goblin still made the big mistake and received the death penalty. But the author simply attributed the penalty as the predestination, and did not explain the reason. The narration in the story was intended to reflect two characteristics of Ouyang Xun, the son of the White Ape, namely talent and the appearance of an ape. The White Ape was an animal, with both a life classified as godhood and desire, meaning that Ouyang Xun inherited the holy blood of the White Ape and was different from the common people, yet resulted in having the appearance of an ape. These two points became the basis of the plot for the author in writing the story.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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