


Make Pills of Immortality, Health Care and Imagination-A new Exploration for "Fu-shih" Writing of Time in Pre-Tang Dynasty's Poetry about Immortals


顏進雄(Jinn-Shiung Yan)


服食 ; 遊仙詩 ; 神仙思想 ; 六朝 ; 先秦兩漢 ; fu-shih ; poetry about immortals ; Irnmortal thoughts ; Liou-chau dynastys ; time in pre-Qin and Han dynasty




26期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 35






The ”immortals”, the ”immortals scene” and the ”pills of immortality” as the three key compositions of the poetry about immortals. Since the Jann-guo (戰國) last years ,Qu-Yuan's (屈原)works ”Li-sau” (離騷) and ”Yuan-you”( 遠遊) open and visit the gate of literature about immortals, the ”immortals” and the ”immortals scene ”well up and unfold, active in the works of the poets .Although the ”fu-shih” behavior begins from Qu-Yuan eats chrysanthemums and hopes to promote longevity, But, the relevant waitring for ”pills of immortality” is appear until after the Dung-Han dynasty, especially in Liou-chau dynasty periods, the poet, under fulling the ”fu-shih” (服食) custom, writing on the pills of immortality, finally to the vertex. Whether in the shape or the name of the drug change, even after taking the fantasy, are filled with the symbol of the wish of the poet. In particular, in Jinn dynasty, yang-shi (楊羲) poem exposing the collective's ”fu-shih” for the first time ,as a new pattern opened.Combine In recent years and Relevant information completion, so name the ”New Exploration”! Besides preface, other and five parts, analyse and explore about ”fu-shih” custom, all information, and so on, sum up conclusion finally. This study can find out history of ”fu-shih” in literature development.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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