


Interpretation of the "Clericized" Characters of Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties Recorded in "Li Yun"


李綉玲(Shiow-Linn Lee)


隸韻 ; 隸古定 ; 隸定古文 ; 古文字 ; 隸變 ; Li Yun ; writing ancient Chinese characters in official script ; clerically transcribed ancient script ; ancient Chinese characters ; clerical change




29期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 40






Clericized characters (writing ancient Chinese characters in official script) is also known as "clerically transcribed ancient script." According to the forged book by the Han Dynasty's Kong Anguo, "Shang Shu (Book of Documents) - Preface", the said script refers to the ancient books and records hidden in the walls of Confucius' house, written in Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty, which were transcribed into the Clerical Script in Han Dynasty. It is clearly stated in "Jingdianshiwen," by Lu Deming of the Tang Dynasty, that "ancient script clericization" means transcribing the ancient script into the Clerical Script. In this paper, the so called "clericized character" refers to the clerical transcribing method by which ancient characters and glyphs such as inscriptions on oracle bones, inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, Warring States Period writings, and small seal script are transcribed into Clerical Script. "Li Yun" is a compilation of Han Dynasty's Clerical Script edited by Liu Qiu in the Song Dynasty. The compilation includes ten volumes. The standard style of handwriting is used as a prefix. There are 3275 units in total, edited by order of the four tones, which are level, rising, falling and entering. Compiled under the prefixes of the standard style of handwriting are the literatures in the glyphs of Clerical Script, such as the temple steles, tombstones, and extant scriptures and stone tablets of Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties. There are in total 261 types of monuments cited. Although most of them no longer exist, some of the clericized glyphs are preserved. Given that the words transcribed into the official script are of complex sources, this paper will first clarify the sources of the configuration of clericized script in both Han Dynasties recorded in "Li Yun". Then explore the methods and configuration features of the said clericization, in an attempt to specifically present the normal evolution of the clericized script recorded in "Li Yun" and the trajectory of the erroneous transformation of clericizaion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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