This paper advocates that the ethical practice of Chuang-Tzu is motivated by the concerning of the basic fact that Tao is obscured and lost by the world, this fact being an ontological generating process, and then proposes that the ethical praxis must return to the indifference, freedom and openness which are revealed by the primordial ethical situation of Tao. However, this return to the primordial ethical situation must be linked to the ontology of virtue condition on the one hand, and to the structuralized genesis of Tao on the other hand. Thereby, the return activates a recurring dialectical relationship-an interplay of the identity and difference-between the efforts of Tao-Te and the ethical praxis. Meanwhile, we interpret the generation and decline of the principle of Toa- Te in terms of the so-called fundamental phenomenon of structural phenomenology. Interpreting this way, we demonstrate that the ‘forward' ( i.e. action ) genesis of moral praxis could realize the virtues such as Ren, Vi, Li, Chi. Nevertheless, this ‘forward' realization of virtues is doomed to decline, so a man must unceasingly return ‘backwards ' to his own inner self-overcoming. This ‘backward' return involves ones radical transformation of his life structure, and pushes him to recognize and apprehend the 'Wuwei' ( i.e. non-action) -the principle of the deepest level. Finally, we argue that from the perspective of the whole philosophical configuration of Chuang-Tzu, the virtues such as Ren, Yi, Li, Chi truly have their reasonable place and significance in the totality of Tao in Chuang-Tzu.
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