


An Essay on the book of "Revision of the Falsehood regarding Shiji", written by Niu Yun-Zhen


黃世錦(Shi-Jin Huang)


《史記》 ; 司馬遷 ; 牛運震 ; 凌稚隆 ; 《漢書》 ; The Records of the Grand Historian ; Sima Qian ; Niu Yun-Zhen ; Ling Zhi-Long ; The History of the Former Han Dynasty




32期(2016 / 06 / 01)


123 - 178






The main ideas why Niu Yun-Zhen composed the book of “Revision of the Falsehood Regarding the Records of Grand Historian" was to revise the mistakes in the book of "The Records of Grand Historian" and make up a deficiency. In addition, this book was to amend the errors at some academic publications and statements from some scholars regarding the book of "The Records of Grand Historian". All of these were the prominent ideas and subject matter of the book of "Revision of the Falsehood Regarding the Records of Grand Historian" written by Niu Yun-Zhen. As far as the mistakes and deficiencies in the book of "The Records of Grand Historian" is concerned, the gist of this study is to have deep exploration for his textural criticism and subject matter of rectification for the book written by Niu Yun-Zhen, "Revision of the Falsehood Regarding the Records of Grand Historian". Besides, the rectification approach, rectification object, and rectification contents for the amendment of the errors at some academic publications and statements from some scholars regarding the book of "The Records of Grand Historian" needs more analysis and discussion. This study tries to anatomize and stand out the value of the book written by Niu Yun-Zhen. Furthermore, it also tries to manifest his personal contribution of researching into the book of "The Records of Grand Historian". Although Niu Yun-Zhen was a specialist of epigraphy and textural researcher from the Qing Dynasty, as well as upheld scholarly research spirit of rigorousness and steadfastness. He rectified and analyzed the mistakes carefully from the book of "The Records of Grand Historian" through a meticulous textual research. While there are some opinions and comments proposed by the deceased scholar Niu Yun-Zhen, still open to discussion and suspicion. They need deep introspection and discussion. As far as this part is concerned, this study proposes some opinions worth discussing and expresses some personal thoughts and restricted views after reading this book.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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