


The Procedural Encoder "nandao" as Sentential Adverbial and Its Structure-Function-Context Application


李希奇(Hsi-Chi Lee)


句狀語 ; 引導碼 ; 言談標記 ; 語用 ; 隱涵 ; sentential adverbial ; procedural encoder ; discourse marker ; pragmatics ; implicature




32期(2016 / 06 / 01)


209 - 240






The present paper aims to investigate the functions of the Modern Chinese procedural encoder nandao as sentential adverbial in complex sentences, dialogue and discourses from a pragmatic perspective. Procedural encoders involve the cognitive encoding processes that are beyond their normal function of discourse markers or connectives During communication, the speaker and the hearer reach mutually understood implicature through a collaborative process that involves encoding, hypothesizing, and transferring. As a result, the modern Chinese procedural encoder nandao, which carries extra pragmatic functions, differs greatly from other adverbs, and has posed great learning difficulty for L2 Chinese learners. The present volume further analyzes the usage of nandao described in some teaching materials of L2 Chinese. The present work adopts such theories as Systemic-Functional Grammar (Halliday, 1985) and Relevance Theory (Sperber and Wilson 1986). The procedural encoders serve the functions of uttering, evaluating, emphasizing and transferring in the expressions of moods, feelings and attitudes of the communication as an important means of indicating the category of discourse markers or encoding procedures, and of teaching philosophy and approaches. In addition, this paper adopts the theoretical framework of Speech Act Theory (Austin 1932) , Schema Theory (Anderson 1984) , and Whole Language Approach (Goodman 1986). Utilizing the above theories and focusing on the findings that demonstrate why nandao is used as a procedural encoder, and its different usage of rhetorical question, suspicion, interpersonal dealings and speculation, the present study has analyzed the pragmatic functions of the procedural encoder nandao and unveiled its pragmatic implicature. At the end, the pedagogical structure -function-context applications and suggestions for the field of L2 Chinese are provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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