


Hardship Faced by Officials in Power Change: Analysis of Changes in Wang Duo's Self-Identity


王振邦(Jen-Bang Wang)


王鐸 ; 易代 ; 貳臣 ; 身份 ; Wang Duo ; Power Change ; turncoat official ; self-identity




32期(2016 / 06 / 01)


91 - 121






History is riddled with scars of tragedy of times. During Ming-Qing transition, there were tremendous social reforms happening in China, such as the famine-victim revolt led by Lee, Zih Cheng and Chang, Xian Zhong which accelerated the fall of Ming Dynasty, followed by the racial massacre and sovereign right takeover by Qing army, which was again a ruthless punch on people who lived on the land, not to mention that Hongguang Emperor was fatuous and Ma, Shi-Ying arrogated power to himself. How did Wang Duo define himself in such a turbulent era? Due to the constant changes in governors, to continue his career as a public servant or to withdraw from his position became an unavoidable life issue that Wang had to deal with for his career plan and self-identity. The article ties the theme “Self-Identity" and tries to analyze how Wang Duo defined himself as a public servant in Qing Dynasty vs. a former officer in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty. Starting from points of view of Wang Duo's “Collection of Ni-Shan Yuan", and writings of Lee Ching and Ji, Liu Ji, and relevant literatures, this Article focuses on Wang's attitude changes through his serving of different empires amid power transfer in AD 1644. Unlike his friends Ni, Yuan-Lu or Huang and Dao-Cho who chose to die as their emperor died, Wang Duo chose to save his life by serving the conquer stoopingly, deviating from the traditional virtue of loyalty of public officials. This Article tries to analyze Wang Duo's changes in his self-identity and how he defined himself as reflected in his excellent literature from his unknown self-contradictory mentality and his behavior changes during the power changes.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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